
Human givens therapy is a relatively new approach to emotional and mental health therapy that originated in the United Kingdom in the 1990s. It was popularized by the 2003 book Human Givens: The New Approach to Emotional Health and Clear Thinking. The therapy is rooted in the idea that all individuals are born with certain emotional and physical needs. When these needs go unmet, mental health challenges may arise.

An individual may be experiencing distress1 from unmet emotional needs for various reasons, such as stressful life events or a difficult upbringing. Human givens therapy may help individuals identify unmet emotional needs and learn effective strategies to satisfy them. By working with a therapist on achievable goals and problem-solving skills, individuals might be able to process past traumatic events and address challenging symptoms with clear thinking. 

This therapeutic modality combines elements of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),2 solution-focused therapy, and other therapeutic approaches. It may be used to treat a wide range of mental health conditions, including but not limited to anxiety,3 depression,4 and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).5 One of the significant advantages of the human givens approach may be that it is relatively brief, intending to provide effective results in a shorter period than traditional mental health therapy modalities.

For those experiencing trauma, support is available. Please see our Get Help Now page for more resources.

How it works

The method behind the human givens approach involves combining techniques from neurobiology and psychology. That said, identifying and fulfilling emotional needs is at the forefront of this modality. As a solution-focused approach, human givens therapy provides practical ways to overcome current challenges affecting an individual. A human givens therapist may help an individual:

  • Pinpoint which needs are unmet
  • Understand why these needs are unmet
  • Learn ways to fulfill these needs

Understanding unmet needs

Various factors may be associated with unmet needs. For example, surroundings may sometimes hinder someone from getting their emotional needs met. A harmful environment, like an abusive partner or unsupportive parent, may lead to unfulfilled emotional needs, such as the need for safety, love, and connection. Or, in some cases, an individual might not be aware of the skills that could help them fulfill their needs while improving emotional health and clear thinking. 

They may also experience challenges with “innate resources,” which might include the following:

  • Knowing how to be objective and rational
  • Understanding how to connect with others and empathize
  • Being creative to resolve various problems in life
  • Building long-term memory and applying knowledge to new experiences

Human givens therapy often involves breaking down a person's life into different areas and analyzing which aspects are working well and which are not. After gaining insight into unmet needs, a therapist might provide practical techniques that can be applied to real-life situations to improve outcomes and emotional health.

Practical techniques for resolving challenges can vary depending on the issue being targeted. For example, if you're stressed because of work, a human givens therapist may help you identify what needs aren't being met at your job, like the need for control or accomplishment, and offer practical techniques to meet those needs. Or, if you’re overwhelmed by grief, a human givens therapist might teach coping strategies like visualization exercises to help you work through unmet emotional needs.

What to expect

You may expect a practical and solution-focused approach to emotional health when starting human givens therapy. Therapists trained in this approach may not dwell on memories but instead help clients manage emotional distress in the present moment. In this way, human givens therapy differs from other therapeutic methods, focusing on health and clear thinking in the here and now rather than past experiences. 

Initial sessions

During human givens therapy sessions, clients may expect to experience a practical and action-oriented approach to their emotional and mental distress. They may be taught to recognize the signs indicating that essential needs are unmet. For example, symptoms from a mental health condition that resurface or worsen during distress may indicate areas to focus on.  

Setting clear goals

A therapist can create a safe and supportive environment throughout each session to help clients understand unmet needs and improve emotional health. To prepare for sessions, reflecting on your current challenges, emotional state, and areas where you might be experiencing unmet needs could be helpful. Sessions may also involve goal setting. Setting clear goals can help therapists and individuals stay on track to faster, more precise outcomes for resolving symptoms.


Human givens therapy was developed to be a quick therapeutic modality, with individuals often requiring four to six sessions on average to see improvements. Each session may be around 60 to 90 minutes, although the duration can vary. 

Who it benefits

Human givens therapy is a versatile approach that can benefit a wide range of individuals of all ages. People experiencing mental health challenges may find relief through the principles of human givens therapy, as it could help them resolve unmet emotional needs that are often the root causes of psychological distress. 

Anyone with any mental health concern can reach out to a human givens therapist for support. However, individuals with the following mental health conditions in particular could find significant benefits from this modality: 

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • Substance use disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 
  • Specific phobias

Although human givens therapy may benefit individuals with a diagnosed mental illness, it may also help those seeking support for personal or professional growth. With a supportive environment and practical tools, individuals can learn to satisfy their innate needs, no matter the distress they are experiencing. As a result, they may learn to make decisions aligned with their life goals. 

In addition to those seeking mental health support or personal growth, human givens therapy may benefit professionals in various fields. Professionals, such as the following, may especially benefit from applying the principles of human givens therapy in their work:

  • Educators
  • Coaches
  • Social workers
  • Business leaders
  • Diplomats

Still, no therapy type can guarantee success for every individual. While some may benefit from the practical interventions of human givens therapy, others may improve with other forms of treatment. 

Goals for therapy

Human givens therapy aims to help individuals achieve emotional, physical, and mental well-being. As such, primary goals for human givens therapy may include:

  • Identifying missing emotional needs: By pinpointing which needs are not being met, clients and therapists can work together to fulfill those needs and improve overall emotional health.
  • Recognizing misused resources: In some cases, individuals may have the resources to meet their needs but use them incorrectly. Therapists can assist individuals in realizing their potential and using their strengths or skills to fulfill their needs.

Therapists and clients can work together to create goals that help the individual tackle challenges. By setting achievable goals, individuals can work toward improving their situation and experiencing positive changes in their lives. Goals can keep one’s life on track and ensure a person is making meaningful progress. In addition, setting attainable goals can increase motivation and provide a sense of fulfillment when they are accomplished.

Ultimately, setting goals is key to human givens therapy. With the support of a therapist, individuals may build a foundation for achieving their goals through practical strategies. 


Research on human givens therapy has shown promising results in recent years. One study analyzed how effective human givens therapy may be for those with PTSD. Before starting the treatment, participants were experiencing severe symptoms. 

After treatment with human givens therapy, the findings suggest that 83% to 96% of participants showed reliable improvement and only 4% to 17% showed no real change. The treatment was completed in around five to six sessions on average, with most people (73% to 84%) finishing in six sessions or less. However, the researchers recommended further research through randomized clinical trials.

Another study analyzed the effects of human givens therapy in the Armed Forces Community and compared them to the outcomes of the NHS IAPT (National Health Service: Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) service. The findings suggest that human givens therapy was effective despite clients’ high levels of distress and prior treatment history. However, those who were looking for jobs and living alone did not benefit as much from the treatment.

Finding therapy

How you might find a therapist trained in human givens therapy may depend on your location. One way to find a certified human givens therapist is to search the Human Givens Institute's therapist directory. The comprehensive database compiled by the Human Givens Institute allows you to locate practitioners near you and provides their contact information, which may make it convenient to schedule consultations and appointments.

Aside from the official directory of the Human Givens Institute, online therapy platforms may be a valuable alternative for those interested in seeking support from the comfort of their homes. Platforms like BetterHelp often offer a selection of licensed mental health professionals with diverse specializations who you can meet with remotely.

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