April Faust
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. My name is April Faust. I am a clinical social worker licensed in the state of PA. I have been working in the mental health field for 13 years and enjoy working with a wide variety of people. I received my DBT certification in 2013 and and I feel that this has been helpful in guiding my therapy techniques. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and compassion and I truly enjoy my job of helping people be the best they can be. Taking the first step to start therapy can be very scary and challenging and I hope to be able to help you meet your goals. I believe in a dialectical approach trying to find a balance of acceptance and change by focusing on radical acceptance skills, awareness, and behavior change. I look forward to working with you !

Carol Fritzsche
Hi! My name is Carol Fritzsche. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and have been a mental health therapist for the past 8 years. I have 18 years experience working with children and families in the education field and in social services. My style of therapy enlists a few different approaches such as Humanistic, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic, Solution-Focused, Cognitive Processing therapy and others. I use a variety of evidence-based clinical interventions that meet your individual needs. I also am certified in Prolonged Exposure Therapy to treat PTSD and other trauma-related symptoms. My experience has been treating individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, social anxiety, trauma, poor concentration and focus, parenting issues, relationship issues, codependency, domestic violence, phobias, mood issues and disorders, Asperger's Disorder, learning disabilities, problems related to chronic illness, grief and loss, and struggles with aging. I think it takes a lot of courage to ask for help. I want to be a part of your journey in self-discovery and being the better version of you. In addition, you owe it to yourself to feel better. The path towards feeling better is wide enough for us to walk together. This is the therapeutic relationship. It is a key component in understanding the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are holding you back. Our relationship is collaborative and you are the best guide for me as we navigate you together. I look forward to knowing you and working with you. Please message me or check the calendar to schedule our first appointment.

Erin Krusec
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor since 2008 in WV and PA with significant clinical experience in a variety of settings including inpatient, residential and community treatment. My clinical experience includes working with clients who present with mood and related disorders, depressive disorders, anxiety, trauma and stress related disorders, gender responsive treatment, healthy communication skills, substance abuse issues and other mental disorders. I utilize integrated therapeutic approaches to include Trauma-based treatment, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Attachment Theory, and Strength-based Therapy. I tailor my treatment to what is most helpful to you based on my training and experience. Taking the first step to sign up for therapy can take courage and I am proud of you for getting started!

Keisha Barnhill
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and my qualifications. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor. I graduated from Georgian Court University with a BSW and Fordham University with a MSW with a clinical concentration working with adults and families. I have over 10 years of experience working in the field of mental health and addiction in both individual and group settings. I have experience working with most mental health diagnosis, substance use and co-occurring disorders.

Dr. Deborah Miller
Choosing the right therapist is challenging. Our connection in a safe, non-judgmental setting is where you will make decisions and look at possible changes in yourself and your relationships. I will help you enhance your self-understanding and master the skills needed for self-regulation and self-care. My therapeutic approach is Gestalt based, where I act as a mirror, enhancing your self-awareness of your strengths and weaknesses. I work in the here-and-now, acknowledging that the past impacts you today. I am here to support you in finding peace and happiness. I, Dr. Deb Miller, am a Missouri and Pennsylvania Licensed Professional Counselor with 26 years of professional work experience in private practice and education. I am the author of More Than Sorry: 5 Steps to Deepen Your Apology After You Have Committed Infidelity.

Kimberly Brown
I am licensed in Pennsylvania with 10 + years experience in counseling. I have worked with clients with a wide range of concerns which included addictions, gambling, relationship issues, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, familial conflict, emotional and physical abuse. My therapy style is warm. I understand that sometimes seeking help can be extremely overwhelming and find that having a safe and caring place to express yourself is imperative. Together we can work on creating this unique space based on your personal preferences. I ensure that every client that I work with receives individualized care specific to your needs. Courage and vulnerability are essential in change. Taking the first steps towards a happier life is progress in itself! If you are ready to make that step, I am here to encourage and support you! I look forward to working with you on this journey!

Rachel Ehrhardt
Rachel Ehrhardt, LPC, MSCP I am a Board Certified Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology (MSCP) from Chatham University in Pittsburgh PA. I have 25 years (since 1999) with experience with a vast range of populations in various clinical settings. I have worked with many populations in a vast range of setting. Prison. Inpatient. Outpatient. Psychiatric Wards. Nursing homes. Schools. With children. 1/2 way house. 3/4 house. Alternative Housing. Deaf & Blind people. Vocational Development. For 10 years I took people in wheelchairs & intellectual disabilities on field trips. Much of my career has been in Prison settings with, frankly, a rough crowd. People anxious to get back to their real life, their families, and out of the spider-web of Addiction and the crime associated with it. They have lost so much - are at their lowest point in their lives - desperate to feel better, live better, break the cycle. To extend my hand to them and help them get back up on their feet is a tremendous honor. Some of methodologies and direct nature are no doubt born of that experience. You will see this in my personality. I consider myself as an "Educator", as well as a therapist. As I teach a lot of skills - the biggest thing I put the most emphasis on is THOUGHTS. It's all about the thoughts. Most of us have thoughts that are in some way inaccurate, flawed, based on assumptions, fears, and distortions. The best technique for this is to ask the person what’s going on with them, and often times we learn that we were way off the mark. That’s a skill: Ask. Asking someone to help you understand. Our brains naturally fill-in-the-blanks when we don't understand something. So I teach people to examine their thoughts - see what parts may be inaccurate (thus making them unhealthy) and essentially go back to the drawing-board with establishing more accurate thinking patterns. And we need to find the facts, look at & for any evidence to dispute the faulty thought, and honor the evidence that supports the thought. I am a Solution Focused Therapist. This modality + my nature is very straight-forward. This is my strength as a clinician. What I am good at and why people choose to specifically work with me. They are done suffering. This is a good approach for people who want to get to the root of the problem rather quickly. Then seek the solution and implement it right away. People are tired of suffering. As the expression goes "If nothing changes, nothing changes". That's no longer an acceptable way to live. Doing it “your way” has kept you in the same holding pattern, repeating the same arguments, same destructive patterns. Therapy and healing is just that - a process. An experience. It takes time, practice and repetition to create new ways of thinking. We have to learn healthy Autopilots to replace those Knee-Jerk reactions that cause harm. We have to unlearn a lot of things, especially the learned behavior we carry with us from our childhood. Must unlearn and relearn. I do put it out there that I am very direct & goal oriented. I am bold and share my honest clinical assessment and feedback on where the disconnects are. What & where improvements need to be made, by whom, and how. Honesty about the situation needs to be said, by someone (which is me)....or nothing will change. To hold back what needs to be said, that is a disservice to you, and not how I operate. I am clear with people about this, call it a disclaimer if you will. I am selective about take cases I take. People open to acknowledging their shortcomings, whom are willing to work hard, crave the truth, want evidence-based resolutions backed by research, and will take my interventions and wisdom seriously. If we are honest, time & money seem to be 2 luxuries no one has anymore. With that said, working with me is very different than laying down on the Proverbial “Freudian Couch” for years on end. Generally - by the time I am invited into someone's life, it's been about 2 years of procrastinating, hoping/praying things get better. By the time someone makes an appointment - they have been suffering for a quite a long time. Desperate for relief and to get back on track. Many people have told me over the course of my career “Making the 1st appointment was the hardest part”. There is truth to back that. There is actually a Phenomenon where people start to feel better knowing they have an appointment on the books. They finally got out of their own way (sadly most people take 2 years). But just knowing that help is on the way, that major hurdle gone. In that sense, there is relief regarding having finally made a decision to do it, as waiting for things to change on their own simply hasn’t proven to be the case. I do a lot of my work in Marriage & Couples Counseling. Many couples have come to a crossroads of trying to decide to either to work it out and stay together…or go their separate ways. Some aren’t sure - but know something’s gotta give, and soon or "like now!". Being stagnate is no longer a viable option. And receiving professional counsel prior to that enormous decision - is smart, respectful of the relationship and their partner. There are new things to try, some grey-areas that are worth exploring. I am a huge proponent of leaving no stone unturned. Especially when children are involved. With couples, almost 100% of the time the issue is around 2 things: 1) Communication 2) Intimacy When communication breaks down, often intimacy goes out the window. It always comes down to one’s needs not being met. And though the other partner may want to, or is trying to meet their needs - they just don’t know "how". Or they have not yet come to understand the "why" a particular need is so important. We have to shift our mindset about our partner - they aren’t being lazy or malicious - they just don’t know, or understand. In spite of telling them repeatedly. They don’t fully grasp it…yet. In other words, they are not intentionally trying to deny us our needs. They don’t get it- yet - but they will. I see to it! One of the beauties & mysteries of why therapy works: often it’s a “I told you this a million times!!!”….type thing which is incredibly frustrating to the partner whose been saying the same thing for years. But somehow miraculously when I say it to them - it's as if they are hearing it for the very first time. It’s brand new information! (to them). It's because it is me, the specific words I use, my explanation of the science of it all. My tone, my delivery, my frankness....it all matters. I am able to harness peoples' attention and get them to actually hear and listen and comprehend. That’s one of the beauties & mysteries of why therapy works. Hearing it from a non-biased mediator (who is not their partner) makes it resonate in a new way, it sinks in, or finally sticks. A manner in which that coveys the importance and clarity that’s different and effective. And it's like a light-bulb turning on. The “aha moment” as they call it. The partner of the one that initiated the therapy often comes to me seemingly oblivious that their marriage is on the line. I wake them up to see the depth, and scope and gravity of the situation. So, once we get the other person to finally listen & hear & comprehend, we can get somewhere finally. We can identify what the “needs” are, why they are so important and can immediately start meeting them. I teach a lot about the gender differences. It is astounding not only how different men & women really are - we are wired VERY differently than each other. Example: Men are naturally inclined to "fix things". When a man can't "fix it" generally he experiences frustration which gets displayed in ways that look like anger. So I teach men how to better understand women. What she needs, why she needs it, and how to go about meeting her need. I strive to eliminate "the middle man" - which are things like confusion, anxiety, and feeling rejected. I teach women about how men are wired in general, what men generally need to feel a sense of accomplishment, what he needs from her, how to really help him understand why she is at her breaking point. How all of this factors into their dynamic, which has become dysfunctional over time in many ways. I help her figure out how to meet his need, why he needs it, etc... The key to all of this - understanding. Understanding leads to insight. Insight leads to Empathy. Once there is Empathy....that's when the good stuff happens. Couples tend to see progress right away.....when & IF they are willing to work hard. Stop doing what doesn't work....which is what brought them to me in the 1st place. When they actually follow my guidance and implement my teachings. And it's often changing little subtle things. What we perceive as those “little things”….have more weight and importance than we had realized. I work with adults whom want 1:1 sessions for themselves, or as a Couple. I do Mediation between estranged family members and couples trying to navigate divorce/custody arrangements. I do not see children or teenagers.....it's not what I excel at, and those populations are better served by clinicians whom specialize in that. I am a mom of 3, so I’m am warm & fuzzy & as call myself “fluffy” and very silly. My children are 14, 9, and 7. Boy -Girl -Boy.By the way, I carried all 3 babies/pregnancies through the Prison. That tells you a lot about my personality. I was unphased by this, never once afraid. Believe it or not - I felt safer there than walking down the street. Surprisingly - Inmates were incredibly protective of me, more so than one would imagine. I am married to my husband of 15 years whom is also a Clinician (Craig Ehrhardt). My favorite color is Yellow, a big fan of Star Wars, favorite activity is going to Thrift-Shops, and simply being in the sun. My favorite food is Tiramisu. Favorite shows to binge watch are The Office, Breaking Bad and “How it’s Made”. Hobbies are keeping up with research on Neuroscience, playing Chess, and really anything that involves Critical and Analytical Thinking - my mind is never at rest. My childhood idol was Mother Teresa- and is still my idol to this day. I try to emulate her values and instill that unconditional-kindness in my children. This Christmas me and my children made pillows to distribute to the Homeless. Our family motto is: “Be grateful, not greedy”. I am a working mom - and I know better than anyone how hard it is to multitask in this day and age. To do it all. Be all to all people. To make sacrifices day in and day out. I also know how critical Self-Care is. You and your well-being needs to be your priority right now, and exploring therapy does count as Self-Care. I clearly take A LOT as I have so much to teach you! As they say "You will never find time, you have to MAKE time". So make the time, make the investment in yourself, and hop on my schedule! Rachel Ehrhardt, LPC, MSCP ******************************************* ALSO: "Live Chat" is a wonderful option for many people. It offers a certain degree of discretion and privacy that can be done anywhere. Sometimes people do not want their partner, children or coworkers to overhear. It can be done at your desk at work, which people enjoy because they “look like” they are working. Lunch breaks seem to be a thing of the past, and we have no time, as I said before - something’s gotta give! Chat is good for if you have to be in a loud place, or have a sleeping baby! Many people whom travel use it when they are at an airport, bus, noisy place etc.. For people whom are highly anxious, it's more relaxing and feels like less pressure. For all of us that have to muilt-task (we have no choice!). And thanks to the surge in people working from home post-pandemic - we have more flexibility during the day. Options like this exist now, and people love the "Live Chat". We can see eachother typing, in real time. It's great!

Kelli Williams
I believe in creating a safe space where you can freely explore your thoughts and emotions. Life can be overwhelming, and sometimes it feels like carrying a heavy burden. That’s why I’m here—to help you unpack those feelings, one layer at a time. I understand that vulnerability takes courage. My warm and empathetic approach ensures that you feel heard, understood, and respected. You’re not alone—I’m here to walk alongside you on your journey. Judgment has no place in the space we create. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, grief, trauma, or any other life challenge, I will provide a safe space where you can express yourself without fear of criticism. Your experiences are valid, and I will respect them. I will allow you to unpack your thoughts on your timeline. No rush, no pressure. Just a compassionate ear and an open heart. My goal will be to help you sort through the chaos and find clarity. And then to find a path to the life that you want. As a licensed Neuropsychologist in Pennsylvania, I bring over 35 years of experience to my practice. I’ve worked with survivors, helping them rebuild their lives after trauma. Your journey matters to me.

Michael Dubose
I am licensed in Michigan with 8 years of professional work experience. I have experience in helping clients with stress and anxiety, trauma and abuse, motivation, self-esteem, and confidence, & depression. I believe in treating everyone with respect, sensitivity, and compassion. Mind over mood. I believe that everyone can change & grow at any time in their lives. I don't believe that there is a limit to human capacity. Together we will work to regain a sense of normalcy in the lives of those who I serve. I will tailor our dialog and treatment plan to meet your unique and specific needs. Taking the first step to seeking a more fulfilling and happier life takes courage. I am here to support you in that process.

Sabina Dominga Williamson
Welcome! Your courage to work towards a better you is commendable. When starting out in therapy, our focus will be on developing a therapeutic relationship based on trust. I approach sessions with empathy and compassion in a nonjudgmental space where you may ask yourself, "What do I want from this experience?" I can support you through addressing current/past hurt and be present with you as emotions come up. I will be with you as you explore the internalized narratives that influence your functioning and wellbeing. I believe therapy should be an empowering process, in which your strengths are highlighted. I consider multicultural systems and identities in my framework for treating adolescent and adult clients within the contexts that matter most to them. I have specialized interests in serving college age/young adult clients (18-35); multiracial/multiethnic identifying clients; clients who identify as racial minorities; LGBTQIA+ identifying clients and women. If you think we might be a good fit, feel free to reach out! I'm happy to support you in deciding whether or not you'd like to move forward, and to answer any questions you may have about therapy.
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Types of therapists available to clients in Bath
Understanding the type of therapy you'd like to search for is crucial before finding a therapist or psychologist. Be sure to narrow your search for therapists in Bath that can offer psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), talk therapy, group therapy, marriage and family therapy for individuals or couples, or couples therapy depending on your needs.
Licensed therapists & mental health professionals available through BetterHelp's online platform
Mental health therapists in Bath available through BetterHelp are accredited to help individuals and couples. Bath therapists' credentials can include licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), and clinician or doctor of psychology (PsyD). Regardless of their licensure, Bath therapists are trained in any type of therapy in the Bath region and in the state of Pennsylvania.
How a therapist can help you destress, manage your emotions, and guide you towards the life you want
Therapists in Bath can help clients in improving healthy relationships, communication skills, working through life transitions, couples challenges, managing a mood disorder, improving coping skills, self help tips, offer life coaching, family life, or change in negative thinking patterns. A therapist in Bath may also provide a safe place and validation for clients experiencing emotional pain, or that simply want a psychological assessment.