Welcome WeWork Community!
WeWork has partnered with BetterHelp to support the health and wellbeing of our members and their families, with a FREE month of therapy.
Get matched with a licensed therapist for convenient and professional therapy.

* WeWork has entered into a paid partnership with BetterHelp, Inc. (“Service Provider”). You acknowledge and agree that WeWork is not responsible for the performance of third-party employees or agents or for any third-party products or services offered by any Service Provider (“Services”). The Services are made available exclusively by the Service Provider, and WeWork is not responsible for the performance of the Services and does not make any representations about the Services. If you have any disputes or issues regarding a Service obtained from a Service Provider, you must contact the Service Provider directly. A Service Provider may provide goods or services that require a Service Provider to have a regulatory authorization or license. WeWork does not verify, validate, or collect evidence of any regulatory information about any Service Provider. You should make whatever investigation you deem necessary before purchasing any offering from the Service Provider. The Service Provider is solely responsible for the accuracy, care and quality of the Services being provided. Please contact the Service Provider directly with any issues or concerns. The advice received is based upon the opinions of Service Provider and their agents and is not necessarily the views of WeWork or its employees. WeWork assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the advice.